Radiation Hazard, 3D Object Mihovec Design.stl

Radiation Hazard, 3D Object Mihovec Design.stl


Looking for detailed 3D models for food and drinks item? Start with the Radiation Coaster design, a unique custom coaster with a radiation hazard icon. This exclusive package contains four coaster designs which are perfect accent to your home, uplifting the decor with a unique flair. Designed by MihovecDesign, the bundle includes four unique coaster prints that you can design on your own: Circle Coaster (outwards and inwards profile) and Triangle Coaster (outwards and inwards profile). A bonus Radiation 3D object is included in the package, which can be printed and attached to your coasters for a distinctive touch. The 3D-printed coaster models can be printed in dual color and surface smoothness can be achieved using ironing. Keep the infill at a minimum of 20%, with a speed of not less than 40mm/s. Supports such as skirts, rafts, and brims are not needed for this project, although you can use them if your bed leveling isn't perfect. Another viable option is to print with resin. Please monitor the first printing layer closely, as a nozzle too close to the bed could lead to a smooshed first layer. Reach out to MihovecDesign at mihovecdesign@gmail.com for any problems or for commercial use. If you'd rather have this printed and shipped to your location, send a message to the designer on Instagram at mihovecdesign or email address directly. Enjoy this unique coaster to elevate your decor.







Food & Drink