Bridging, overhang and fillet test

Bridging, overhang and fillet test


This model includes several testing features to tweak your printer and understand its capabilities. Bridging: The model tests bridging from 20mm to 90mm Angled overhangs: On the side of the model, you can find overhangs at several different angles, ranging from 30° to 50° Fillet overhangs: The other side features hollow fillets as overhangs. This will give an indication of what radius needs support when printing. Bottom fillet: At the bottom of the part you find a range of fillets, R0.5 to R5. Giving a reference to how fillets on your parts may look when printed. Other features: The back features cylindrical portrusions from R0.5 to R3 and the model contains lots of roundovers, angles and text in different orientations. These, along with the previous main features of the model, will give you a reference to the capabilities of your printer and when you might or might not need support.



