Flip Stop for Fence T-track

Flip Stop for Fence T-track


This is a custom flip stop for a DIY woodworking tool fence (drill, saw, router, etc.). The model is fully parameterizable, so you can open the attached Fusion 360 file, change the parameters and let the model adjust itself to the height and width of your fence. I also attached the model in STEP format if you wish to customize it in another CAD application. Additional hardware needed: - 1pc M6×60 hex bolt - 2pcs M6 hex nut - 1pc M6 locknut - 2pcs M6 washer - I used an M6×30 carriage bolt that I grinded to fit into the T-track, but you can use standard M6 T-track bolts. After printing and assembly the parts should fit tightly with almost zero wobble. Thanks to [HAMMER_T](https://www.printables.com/@HAMMER_T) for sharing his [M6 Knob Beach Chair](https://www.printables.com/model/280962-m6-knob-beach-chair) model, so I could use it in this model.



