Sturdy Rotary Encoder Mount

Sturdy Rotary Encoder Mount


This is a sturdy mount, that allows to engage a rotary encoder using a big crank. A threaded rod will be the main crankshaft. Besides these printed parts, you'll need * a rotary encoder (such as these: * some length of M8-threaded rod as the main crankshaft * 4 M8-nuts to connect the threaded rod to the rotary encoder itself as well as the crank handle (I use 4 because I lock each nut with another one), as well as some more M8-nuts and washers to fix the crankshaft where you want it to be * 2 ball-bearings to allow the threaded rod to be turned easily. I designed this part before I knew how exactly it was supposed to be mounted and with little time, so I only printed the absolutely necessary parts (so I didn't use the `Sturdier_Mount_Secondballbearing.stl` myself), and connected them with wood. The rotary encoder itself goes into the `Rotary_Mount.stl`. The threaded rod is connected to the rotary encoder using a locked nut and the `Rotary_Nut_Connector.stl`. Once they are connected, press-fit a ball-bearing into the `Rotary_Mount.stl`. Now there's supposed to be some length of rod, to stop as much sideways wiggling as possible, before you should use another ball-bearing, press-fitted into `Ballbearing_Mount.stl`. At first I thought I needed a coupler like they are used for the z-axis of 3D-Printers, but it works just fine without it. Now the crank-handle itself can be mounted either using a locked nut and the `Nut_wood_connectormount.stl` - or just something welded to the nut itself, as we used in the end. Survived as the main crank for an electronic barrel organ for a festival, so it appears to be very sturdy.






