Weaponizer Arcee Shoulder Pylons - Transformers Rise of the Beasts
Just a small little add on to the Rise of the Beasts Weaponizer class Arcee figure (the one that came with Cheetor). On screen she has the characteristic pylons behind her shoulders similar to G1 Arcee. So I played around with building an add-on to try and match them. These peg in to the little holes in her shoulders, where the arm/wheel assembly hinge is. It's a pretty tight fit between the gaps. They can stow in vehicle mode, acting as hand covers, though the peg as designed is just barely deep enough to hold it in there, so they pop off pretty easily. They can also peg in to the same hinge holes as the robot mode though, if desired. No supports should be necessary. Just print one, plus a mirrored version for the other side.