U-Seal Install tools / Quick Jack hydraulic cylinder

U-Seal Install tools / Quick Jack hydraulic cylinder


Tools to install Hydraulic cylinder U-seals on a QJ cylinder piston. Specifically for PU187-1.125-250B U-seals. Mine is a QJ5000XL, but my friends 3500TL uses the same cylinder design. The cone screws into the piston (7/18-14 threads) from either end (to install the seal nearest each end) and allows you to use the push tools to expand the seal and install them on the piston without needing to use a string or pry tools/etc. I would recommend sanding the cone smooth and coating it with oil for install. Heating the seals also seems to help. Smaller push tool can be sufficient for the "bottom" U-seal, but it gets the fingers pretty extended. The larger one was designed to take over once the seal was close to the final diameter and allow you to push it home. I used this successfully, and then made a few final tweaks that should make it go a little smoother for the next person that uses it. STL included, as well as the Fusion360 native CAD if you want to make tweaks. Jim







Hand Tools