30 minute mission tank base

30 minute mission tank base


A rc tank base inspired by the 30mm extra vehicle tank set but in this case I wanted something a little larger an with working tracks. Ended up finding a little 1/72 scale german tiger tank on amazon by a company called cheering https://www.amazon.com/Cheerwing-German-Control-Rotating-Artillery/dp/B00IUC2G7U/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3UD3F3ST53AC4&keywords=1%2F72+tank&qid=1700329055&sprefix=1%2F72+tank%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-2 the tank hull will need the back most part trimmed down till its level with the rest an DO NOT cut the round pegs that stick up on the back of the lower hull those are used to help align an hold the back half of this use bits of filament as dowls in the hull to hold it together and use your flush cutters to snip to length to get everything fitted smoothly. front part with the bar mounts may need some acetone or model glue to hold them to the main base part the main center part uses 3 3mm dowls to help hold it into the base though depending on your printer that part may just snap fit in an hold tight does use a polycap ball from a 30 minute mission kit and the skirt armor pivots from a alto or portanova hip piece







Model Robots