Gaslands flexi wall modular track system - Lee Perry
Hey all! I just picked up an FDM printer and it had this little flexible dinosaur sample file that was awesome. It got me thinking that I could use a similar flexible joint to make racetrack wall sections for Gaslands! So, I made these and I think they’re pretty effective. Note that every segment that has the open “mouth” connector section has a little indicator to identify them… near the ground most segments have a little extruded notch on it, but on the segments with the mouth connector has that notch inset instead of sticking out. You’ll see why I did that if you take a 12 segment wall pieces and bend it into a full 360 loop, then realize you can’t tell where the opening segment is, haha. I did something similar with the gas barrel drum end cap pieces, rotating the top handle looking structures for the male vs female connectors. Feel free to leave comments with pieces I should add, or tear into the files and make your own. Anyway, enjoy!!! -Lee OH! No supports needed! I only tested these on my FDM printer... they SHOULD work on a resin printer just fine, although they'll be solid, so, might suck up some resin. If enough people care, I'll make a pre-hollowed resin version maybe.