Pencil Style Bit Driver for 5 Bits

Pencil Style Bit Driver for 5 Bits


You already have the mini bit driver ( and the mini double bit driver ( Now you want more? More bits to carry with you? Ok, I hear you - here is the solution to a problem you never had: **The Pencil Style Bit Driver fo 5 Bits** This bit driver can carry five standard bits. One at the tip and four more inside. With a handy clip and a length of 145mm it fits in most of your pockets. Print everything with a layer height of 0.16mm, 3 walls, 5 tops, 4 bottoms and 8% gyroid infill. Support is not necessary. I recommend using a brim on the large middle section, that will improve the bed adhesion. Another recommendation is to keep the layer height of 0.16mm. You can go smaller but a larger layer height can result in non-working threads. The overhangs are a little bit delicate. To optimize overhangs you can set the layer time to 7 or more seconds. This will help to cool the layers before the next layer is printed on top of them. The optional gaskets should be printed in TPU. Use a smaller layer height (e.g. 0.12mm), no brim, 2 walls, 3 tops & bottoms, no infill and no support. The 3mf file can be opened in OrcaSlicer or Bambu Studio. It is meant for a Bambu Lab P1 or X1. If you are prefering a different slicer please use the STL files. For assembly just add five standard bits. I testet serveral bits and they all had a tight fit. If necessary you can add one Ø5x2mm magnet - there is a hole for it inside the tip of the driver. The clip can be pressed into the cap. This is a very tight press-fit, you have to push hard. You can down-scale the clip to 99% if you think the press-fit is too tight. Screw the cap and the rear plug on the driver. The threads are similar to M12 but extra tight so they do not come open in your pocket. The gaskets are **optional** and can help to prevent unintentional opening of the threads. If needed just press the gaskets over the threads to the little grooves at the bottom end of the threads.







Hand Tools