Philips Hue Play | Amazon Basics Monitor Arm - Mounting Bracket

Philips Hue Play | Amazon Basics Monitor Arm - Mounting Bracket


This is a snap-fit bracket that mounts a Philips Hue Play lightbar 1" above the rotational "knuckle" (the non-rotating part of it) in a landscape orientation. This prevents the use of strong adhesive on the back of expensive monitors and allows the lightbar to freely re-orient with the monitor. Print this bracket with 7 top and 7 bottom layers at .25mm layer height for maximum strength, this makes the print solid above and below the zip tie opening (which is very tight, for all but the thinnest of zip ties) and allows for maximum bonding strength between the base and mounting receptacle ends of the bracket. Included is a slot for a zip-tie to pass through and secure it around the arm, but the tolerances are so tight on the clips I found it unnecessary for a ziptie (and I made the tolerances a bit too tight for the size of my zip-ties, if someone really needs this to work I'd be happy to update with new version and a refined zip tie slot, there isn't a ton of space to make this thicker than it is without impacting monitor movement though.). That said, the tolerances are tight by design. Make sure your printer is calibrated and belts tight and such and you shouldn't have a problem. Attach the lightbar to the bracket, then *pushing the bracket not the lightbar* and supporting the underside of the arm, snap the bracket onto the two sides of the "D" (sort of) shaped rotational bracket on the monitor arm. I'd recommend PETG for two reasons: 1. The tight tolerances will stress the plastic over time, to some extent. 2. The Hue Play lightbars generate an enormous amount of heat for being consumer LED lights, possibly enough to make PLA (ever so slightly) pliable which is why I refuse to print with PLA anymore. Spend the time refining your printer for PETG and make the switch (if strong, functional prints are your main focus). You will have to tighten the lift spring on your monitors arm if it is at the low end of the force required to lift your monitor once the lightbar is added.






