Simple Button Box for Sim Racing
This is a simple button box I made for a friend. It is designed after the cheap buttons from aliexpress, has a hole the Arduino's USB C to stick out. I recommend hot gluing the Arduino in place. it a top plate that is meant to be dis assembled to get access to the inside and the two mounting holes. The two holes on the back are 8mm in diameter, and fit most alu. rigs, if the hole is too big then just use spacers. What you will receive 3 STL files, 1 box and 2 llids Arduino Code for Pro Micro (no rotaries) If you don't how to wire the buttons then follow AMstudio's video on youtube, there it is clearly explained. Remember to download the joystick library for the Arduino IDE. Part list for the button box STL files ;) Arduino Pro Micro 4x M3 screws Buttons with mounted diameter of 12mm (all cheap aliexpress buttons) Hot glue gun (to fix mount Arduino, wires, etc) < Optional > - cheap vinyl (Aliexpress)