4in Motorized Duct Damper - Tent Air Intake

4in Motorized Duct Damper - Tent Air Intake


Needed a way to turn on and off the air intake for a tent, to prevent higher temps while lights are on, but close at night to keep cooler air out, or in towards the end of a season so that fall colors can be achieved. Work in progress, wasn't even sure it was going to turn, it does. What it needs now is a solid method of detecting how much it's open, or at the very least if it's open or closed. It's fairly simple to use with home assistant through a raspberry pi or similar, designed around 5V. Might also be a good starting point for curing chambers or mushroom cultivation. Reasonable easy to tear down and alcohol where needed depending on what's used to print. Bearing is a 625ZZ (grab some from an tired V wheel) ULN2003 Stepper Motor Drive Module + 28BYJ-48 DC 5V Stepper Motor 2-5mm hardware



