Crappy Piggy Bank V2

Crappy Piggy Bank V2


Second version of my crappy model V2 is with better models (optimized, some parts redesigned etc.) and with more options - more about changes below **- BANK **- as piggy bank, flush is opening the seat - default and recommended settup **- SECRET** - normal box with another secret stash under top cover - no hole for coin **- BANK-no-flush** - as piggy bank without opening mechanism **- SECRET-no-flush** - same as SECRET but without a flush and with more space in secret stash **- BANK-SOLID **- solid model of piggy bank, only one part. You will need to break it to gather coins from the inside. - WARNING: print needs a good cooling to look good **All models**, except BANK-SOLID, **is also in BIG version** wich is optimized 150% size of original model - better resolution, with walls still the same thickness as original (wich is 4x 0.4mm). You can resize it bigger if you want *If you want a model between 100% and 150% size you should resize original model up, not BIG model down* **You will need a 1cm of 1.75 filament for each hindge**. It will work without any glue **OR two printed rods (in files)** You can use **SECRET** with a cover with a hole (**BANK_cover**) to use as a small piggy bank and bigger storage under seat for something else **Seat** is in two versions, original, more rounded, and streight wich is more ‘blocky’ but elegant In ‘ALL’ there is original model **No-flush** base models can be used only with no-flush seat models **Printed spring** is not needed for mechanism to work, but it may help a little. You can change it for a spring from a pen too if you want --- Video with printing timelapse, assembling and using --- **V2 vs V1** - now it's easier to print (smaller angles of overhangs) - a lot more models (including BIG version) - flush is not blocking the closing of the seat so it's harder to break something - this may be a pros or con, dependa on what you want and if it's for a kid or adult - different hinge - now it uses filament or printed rod - will be much tougher - wall thickness is pretty the same around the model wich will lead to cleaner print - more space inside for coins or other things - other smaller improvements ---






