K1 Max Under Table Build Plate Rack

K1 Max Under Table Build Plate Rack


Hi all, I remixed an under table K1 Max Build Plate Holder to fit my needs. I started with a Fantastic design by Rowaller over on Printables, I'd appreciate if you could head over to https://www.printables.com/model/444661-bambulab-undertable-buildplate-holder and give him a like for his excellent remix. Now of course if it was perfect for me and others I wouldn't need to mod it, so here are my improvements for my situation. 1 - I found it to be to narrow and the placement of the screws made it bow a little bit. My solution was to widen it a bit more to have a central screw location for stability. You will need to print 2 Under Table Build Plate Brackets, no need to mirror, print 1 at a time on the diagonal. 2 - Placing it under the counter, getting the alignment and distance right was a little frustrating. I therefore added distance and alignment gauges that insert in place to aid in assembly and placement. You will need to print 4 Under Table Build Plate Width Spacers, print 2 at a time on the diagonal. 3 - My counter has a 5 inch front edge that goes up making it difficult to mount. I created a shim that you can resize in the vertical to meet your need if your counter has a similar situation. Mod and print Under Table Build Plate Shim Block, probably 2 for the back if there is a height deference. I recommend a dab of crazy glue to hold the alignment gauges to the side brackets before installing. Thanks, and enjoy



