Avatar Anet A6 Direct Drive E3D v6 X Carriage (original parts)

Avatar Anet A6 Direct Drive E3D v6 X Carriage (original parts)


# !!!THIS IS NOT AN ORIGINAL WORK AND DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!!! The original effort, I believe, belongs to "albert2adams", link to the project https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2849262 I think the project is still relevant, it was very much so for me, but at the moment, it is unaccessable. I tried to reach out to albert2adams, but didn't get an answer, so I decided to reupload it myself. I got the files through The Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20201005224635/https://cdn.thingiverse.com/zipfiles/af/7b/ba/29/7e/Anet_A6_Direct_Drive_e3d_v6_X_Carriage.zip Here is the original summary: Summary Basically I was forced to upgrade to e3d v6 hot end. I designed the part to keep the printer's original home position, as well as the part cooler fan's original position. making loading filament easier. Print Settings Printer Brand: Prusa Printer: Prusa Clone Rafts: Doesn't Matter Supports: No Resolution: 0.32mm Infill: 60%



