AAP01 - Barebones Carbine Kit
Carbine kit for AA01, including the rail mounted base, the butt plate and the picatinny rail snapfit buffer. Notes: The base is slid over the rail from the front, so requires that your outer barrel or accessories do not obstruct the base in the front. The base is fixed in place with two picatinny rail covers, one standard and one with a small buffer add-on (the one I added to this project). The tubes for the stock are not 3D printed. I used fibre glass tubes, but they can be any material of your choice - As long as the material can be glued in place. The stock tubes are Ø10mm. The two versions I made have them glued in place using regular cyanoacrylate (instant glue). For a very short sub-compact carbine, I used 30 cm tubes on the small carbine kit and for a more comfy size, I used 35 cm tubes on the riser base. I recommend that you check the fit before gluing the tubes. Differences between the two base parts: One has no riser (does rise about 1 cm from the standard rail) and the secondary rail sits very close to the primary rail, so only small accessories will fit on it. The other has a built in 25 mm riser AND the secondary rail is removed a bit from the primary rail to make more space for bigger flash lights, etc. Recommended printer settings: - 0.2 mm increments for all parts is fine. 10-20% infill should be fine. - For the two base parts, I recommend using supports due to the picatinny rails. Print from the front towards the back. - The butt plate shoud be printed from the butt towards the gun, supports should not be necessary. - The picatinny buffer should be 100% infill, print from the side which doesn't have the buffer and use supports.