Ardupilot Antenna Tracker Pan Tilt
Ardupilot Tracking Antenna Pan 360 & Tilt, for Table Top and/or Tripod. Ground Station for Drone & UAV's All parts are designed to be 3D Printed in PLA and or PETG (best for geared setup). There are better solutions out there but my goal here is to provide a v low cost design that is easy to print with few parts. I’ve tested the movement using the mission planner simulator mode for hours and I feel it’s robust enough, but with the direct drive tilt and the “25kg” servo. A 360 servo can be used for tilt but will eventually shred the 3D printed PETG tilt internal gear. Designed for +360 degree pan movement no tangling of pan servo wire. Big selling point :) Helpful docs for setup, ---RECOMMENDED PARTS--- 1) Pan servo is a standard +360 Servo, HS-1425CR C24T, from Servo City, $22 2) 32P, 16 Tooth, 24T C1 Spline Servo Mount Gear (Acetyl), for Pan gear, from Servo City, $4. As long as a spline gear with a 32P & 16 +/- 2 teeth are used all should be good. 3) Tilt Servo is a standard, Budget Miuzei 25Kg 270deg 25T Servo from amazon. ~$16 Yep the antenna will tilt 270 degrees, full up and full down, not sure how practical that is. 4) 2X Budget turntables, "lazy susan" 3", from amazon. ~$5 5) Universal Servo Horn Aluminum Alloy 25T Standard Silvery Servo Disc from Amazon, for direct drive tilt servo, $6. These uni servo adaptors will fit in the center of the gears 3D prints as well. 6) M3 (assorted lengths), M3 X 12mm & M3 X 8mm machine screws and Nyloc nuts. 7) Base standoffs are four M3 X 36mm. 7) 1/2"-20 stainless insert, insert using a soldering iron into "Bottom Base" hole for adapting to tripods. 8) M3 bass/stainless insert for adapting to "Top Mount Adaptor", insert using a soldering iron for best results. 9) GPS Antenna Stand Mount Folding Seat Base Holder for FPV DIY Drone QAV, ~$3 10) Servo plates are for geared and/or direct drive setups, choose the ones that fit best depending on your spline gear tooth count. The servo position is important to ensure correct gear engagement. Use M3 X 6mm self-tapping screws for geared option and soft mounted stock servo mounting screws for direct drive. In this build i'm using servo plate 02 for tilt and servo plate 03 for pan. 11) Any silicon stick-on feet. 12) The monitor holder is basic but does the trick for this 7" screen. Use CA glue and 1/2"-20 insert & 1/2"-20 X 1/2" bolts to assemble. 13) Pixhawk flex mount, (G10 material is best) from Amazon. ~$7 Note, If needed for some reason the Pan servo can be assembled the other way around with a uni adaptor screwed to the bottom of the 90 deg geared mount so the servo is not rotating with the rest of the assembly and thus could be controlled from another source. --CONTROLLER-- 1) Holybro Pixhawk flight controller w/ Ardupilot Antenna Tracking firmware installed. 2) Holybro Telemetry SIK 915Mhz radio, communications to aircraft. 3) Bluetooth HC-06 serial module 2.4Ghz link to laptop, (don’t use another 915Mhz radio because of interference with the other aircraft SIK radio). 4) ImmersionRC Fatshark SpiroNet 5.8GHz Patch 13dbi Antenna. 5) Dimension Engineering SmartBEC for servo power auto lipo voltage cutoff. 6) Diode is needed for Pixhawk servo power rail! 7) I don't have a TBS 915MHz Yagi :( so a didn't design an adaptor, but the intent was to balance and screw one on the "Side Cover Plate". 8) Battery is a 4S 1500mAh Lipo, this acts as a counterweight. 9) Pixhawk power module with your favorite plugs 10) Note; the Ardupilot servo PIDs, it did take some time to work this out.