Starfield Ship Modules - Landing Gear Repository
This is the repository for the Landing Gear modules from Starfield. Landing gear is typically in two parts (there are a couple with 3 though). The main element which is part of the ships structure and and the retractable 'gear'. I've created separate files for each element so that they can be used to either show a ship in flight (no gear) or landed with gear down. The exception to this is the Nova RE-J01 gear, which has a very specific retracted configuration, so that's also here as a separate model. Everything else should be pretty straightforward I think.. REMEMBER the module objects get reused in the game under different names so it's worth checking what something looks like as well as the name. As this grows I might put together some sort of index or reference doc.. we'll see how it goes. Will be uploading .STL .3FM and .OBJ files for each module so there should be something for everyone!