Multi Retraction Test
If you would like one setup for your printer, please let me know. Retraction can be such a pain for some people. I see so many people battling it on a daily basis. Test after test after test with no real results. So i thought, why not run all the tests at once?!?! So here it is folks!! the Multi-Retraction Test !!! Or MRT... This is not your one-stop-fix it all test. In fact none are.. There are just too many variables. Ive uploaded a few pics so show how retraction has changed in a few situations. But as you can see in the test, the stringing gets thinner and thinner towards the top until it stops!! You want to get rid of stringing, but you also dont want to use an excessive amount of retraction. Personally try to use a temp and retraction that would encompass all or most of my filaments. Excessive retraction can cause under extrusion and jams. As the hot filament is sucked up too high into the cold side, it will get stuck. The printer struggles to push the filament out as its currently printing (under extrusion). And can get stuck, which many new users mistake for a clog, and try to clean the nozzle (which is unneeded). So retraction retraction retraction!! This test at its core has nothing special about it. Its just a model i whipped up, and sliced it with a bunch or retraction changes. then went back and spliced all the gcodes together. --------------How to use. Locate a gcode for your printer, the retraction range for your setup and the gcode flavor of your printer... Load and click print!------------------- MPMSv2 - Repetier - 0.4mm-2.0mm - File401 -------------------------------------------------------- For my Monoprice Maker Select (and other Wanhao Duplicator i3 clones). 9g @ 45min print time testing 9 different retraction distances. Sliced in Cura 4.2.1 MPMSv2 - Repetier - .01mm-1.0mm - File420--------------------------------------------------------- Another for the Maker Select with an all metal hotend requiring less than 1mm of retraction. Testing 10 retraction ranges. 10g @ 45min.