Kobo Aura One - GLoA E-Reader Case Parts
Want to make your own Kobo Aura One E-Reader case, or need replacement parts for your existing GLoA E-Reader Case. These are meant to be replacement parts for the GLoA E-Reader cases we are selling on 16 Bit Store. If you'd like to buy a pre-made case we are selling them at http://16bitstore.com If you wish to make your own case, you'll need to design your own cover, however here are the parts you'll need to complete the shell. + 8 - IUTA or IUTB threaded inserts. I got mine from Mouser, Both the M2 and the #2-56 insert works https://www.mouser.ca/ProductDetail/SI/IUTA-M2?qs=7MVldsJ5Uaw%252Bi7Fy%252BHDedA%3D%3D https://www.mouser.ca/ProductDetail/SI/IUTA-256?qs=7MVldsJ5UawQuw0J58lUSg%3D%3D + 8 - 4mm M2 or 3/16" #2-56 Flathead Machine Screws. We designed it for 3/16" of clearance and the arms are 1mm thick so long as the screw is between 1.5mm and 3/16" it'll work + 1 - 1/4" × 1/10" Rare Earth Magnet, though you can probably modify the design to fit wider 10mmx2mm magnets instead. If you want ideas on how we made the cover, we have a playlist on YouTube showing how we stitched one together here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRP0H7ue-CI&list=PL93zS7e4rwWfiJSZkUz2kYgVx6zdqoNE9 If you want to modify the case the FreeCAD models are avaliable on github here: https://github.com/the16bitgamer/16BitVirtualStudiosDesigns/tree/main/GLoA%20E-Reader%20Cases