Anti Flashback Laser Cutter mesh Bed Stand Offs
One of the biggest issues with the standard, out of the box K40 Laser is the bed that they include with it. After multiple iterations of new bed styles, designs, materials, etc, it is a proven struggle to get it reliable. These stand offs are designed to adapt onto 2mm gauge square mesh to allow for material to be held above the mesh, giving the material space and airflow underneath to eliminate flashbacks (or burning/charing/smoke damage) on the bottom surface of the material. I've included stand offs for various metric material thicknesses (1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm & 6mm). If you're after other thicknesses for these stand offs, please add a comment to this "thing" and I'll endeavor to create and upload an STL for them. The more thicknesses available the better, and when we think of metric to imperial conversion (and how unreliable the reported material thicknesses can be), it can be difficult to accommodate for all the thicknesses without these requests.