Flash Gun Hood: Sigma EF 500 DG ST variable diffuser
This is part of a series called Piss Poor Photographer. These are makeshift camera accessories for people who can't afford proper gear. (sorry, you will need a 3d printer, which is also expensive) but camera gear is expensive, even pre-owned equipment can be too expensive, especially if you are on a tight budget and have to choose one thing over another. This particular thing is a variable diffuser that fits onto a Sigma EF 500 DG ST flash gun. This Sigma flash unit is old and cheap, usually about $10, it has only two power control settings, high and low but for situations where you need to use the flash to fill or match the outside light like in real estate photography the ability to control the flash power is essential. The STL file is a hood that fits over the flash, it allows the user to insert a diffuser sheet (could be thin paper or the type of plastic found inside old LCD screens) as a slide or even a gel, and you can have several thicknesses. The variability comes from being able to use a second slide above the first that covers the flash area like a shutter. How to use: The idea is, that you would move the second slide as a shutter to stop some of the light passing. This is how you select your power. The device works well, and the idea can be adapted to work on any cheap flash. Re-use, re-purpose and save money