Gaslands Flexi-track wall system

Gaslands Flexi-track wall system


Hey all! I just picked up an FDM printer and it had this little Flexi - Rex dinosaur sample file that was awesome. It got me thinking that I could use a similar flexible joint to make racetrack wall sections for Gaslands! So, I made these and I think they’re pretty effective. Note that every segment that has the open “mouth” connector section has a little indicator to identify them… near the ground most segments have a little extruded notch on it, but on the segments with the mouth connector has that notch inset instead of sticking out. You’ll see why I did that if you take a 12 segment wall pieces and bend it into a full 360 loop, then realize you can’t tell where the opening segment is, haha. I did something similar with the gas barrel drum end cap pieces, rotating the top handle looking structures for the male vs female connectors. The tall wall pieces that are for "billboards" have openings on the end, so you can print out color images of billboards and just slot them into those gaps. I even included a "billboard size guide" object with a guide that works for both sizes of billboards. You'll need to mirror the gate piece to have the left and right sides of course. Feel free to leave comments with pieces I should add, or tear into the files and make your own. Anyway, enjoy!!! -Lee OH! No supports needed! I only tested these on my FDM printer... they SHOULD work on a resin printer just fine, although they'll be solid, so, might suck up some serious resin. If enough people care, I'll make a pre-hollowed resin version maybe.






