Functioning TF2 Butteryfly Knife Balisong

Functioning TF2 Butteryfly Knife Balisong

Description Thank you to others for inspiration - I am certainly not the 1st to have this idea. Print flat on bed, feel free to use the blade to push in the pins (or, say, a screwdriver) I recommend assembling on a flat surface, putting the knife together in the 'closed' position. To be clear, to assemble you need to print: 2x handle.stl 2x handle.stl mirrored on the x-axis 2x lower-pin 2x top-pix 1x grabber (optional) 1x blade of your choice Feel free to open up the .blend and make your own edits! The latch does not swing freely - mostly I keep it tucked, and use the thumb-nub as an indicator for which side of the knife is 'safe'. If anyone wants to continue this design, I think one could: * Change the latch so that matches the in-game visuals * Allow it to swing freely * Have a thicker 'middle' section to the lower pins, to better stabilize the bottom of the blade * Perhaps there is something that could be done with magnets I know nothing of balisong tricks, just continuing to learn design, and enjoying this fun fidget from a true classic of a game.



