28 City Street 3D Hex Bases for BattleTech
28 different 3D City Street themed Hex Bases for BattleTech. Way easier to pain than free handing all the lines. Also included are 4 plain sided bases, just rotate them to a different facing for a different look on each unit. After all, that's what I did with the hazard stripe ones (4 top designs with 6 different facings). The bases are same shape and size as the bases on the official miniatures but they have Hazard Stripes on one side to show unit facing. All of them have places in the bottom to hold a pair of 3x2 mm round magnets. For these bases, I painted the road dark grey, the footpath a warm mid grey, and the drains silver. Then I put sepia wash down the gutter & the drain, and a thin coat of black wash over the road & footpath/sidewalk. Note: The road surface in these models is flat and doesn't have texture. I had some movement during the print which gave me some unwanted lines across the surface of the bases, so I scraped the road surface with some small hobby files. This helped reduce the lines and added texture to the road surface.