Ender 3 v2 X-axis Level Guide

Ender 3 v2 X-axis Level Guide


Noticed that my X-axis was much lower on one side than the other and thought that instead of using a ruler and constantly checking back-and-forth, why not print off a couple of guides. These click into the groove of the extrusions that hold the x-axis in place. They side on the frame, and I made them such that they will clear the wires on the left side, and the brackets holding the x-axis in place. Just move the x-axis up. Click these into the inside tracks of the extrusion, then lower the x-axis down and should see quickly which side is too low. I made 2 sizes, a 150mm and a 200mm. Print 2 of the same size and should be good to go. The reason I made the extra long one was because I'm tall, table is low, it just brings the x-axis up high enough that it's easier to work with. The 150mm will save some time printing but lower and harder to see. That's all. Again... pick 1 file, and print 2 copies. Lay flat on the build plate, may need to rotate diagonally to print. No supports and I was using 8% infill cubic at standard quality with Cura, and I had a 6mm brim to prevent deformation.



