Door Mounted Hat Rack
This is a remix of a remix! my remix is of the awesome modular baseball cap rack by bpopp found here : I had two goals with this remix 1. Make a version I could hang on my door 2. Reduce Print time!!! To accomplish these I did a few things to this already stellar design: - Added a hook to go on a door that is 1&7/16 in. thick with a .2 mm tolerance. this distance can easily be adjusted using fusion 360. The hook requires 2mm of clearance between the door and the door frame. - Removed thickness from the back of the modules. I assume the thickness had something to do with the mounting holes. However, since I am using this for my door I figured it was no longer necessary and I wanted to reduce the print time - Finally, I filled in the mounting holes. The door hanger takes away their necessity and filling them reduced print time. In the pictures I have posted I printed without top or bottom layers. I did this for aesthetics but it also slightly helped print time.