TRR8 S&W 327/627 Moon Clip Loader

TRR8 S&W 327/627 Moon Clip Loader


Loads clips for the 8-round 38 Special / 357 Magnum moon clips that fit the S&W x27 / R8 / TRR8 revolvers. Remix of [RoboHartMaker's moon clip loader for 45ACP]( with some improvements. Everything can be printed without supports: face up for the base, face down for the handle, pegs up for the cover. I found that 50% infill with ordinary PLA worked fine. Less infill probably works as well. The optional handle return spring can be something from a ballpoint pen. Mine was 4mm in diameter, 20mm long. It can be tricky to insert the spring. I used a pointy tool to hold it fully compressed while installing the handle. The hub cover can be fixed in place with a few drops of glue in the peg holes. Be careful not to get glue on the axle! A STL file for a "sample" moon clip is included. I have no idea if the clip works. Use at your own risk.



