3D Pen mynt3d mini spool holder
Remix of The_AstroHighlander's design to fit on mynt3d 3d pen. I used his spools and made a new mount for my pen and redesigned the way you put the spool on the spool mount to eliminate the screw, enabling quick/easy swaps of spools no screwing required. You'll need the two spool halves from him https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3582590/files and then the files I provided here. The pen mount prints vertically, you'll probably want a brim to make it stick to the plate good since the walls are thin. The peg prints flat just like it is by default. Can glue in the peg or use masking tape around the end to keep it tight if you need to swap it later for whatever reason. I just used tape for now. Not sure how to prevent the filament from unwinding itself yet... maybe anneal it somehow before winding it on?