Fallen Astronaut / Man In Space replica (Paul Van Hoeydonck)

Fallen Astronaut / Man In Space replica (Paul Van Hoeydonck)


This is a replica of Fallen Astronaut by Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck. It was created by importing the side and front profile picture into SketchUp and manually tracing points along the curvature of the legs, torso and head. The gap between the legs is different between all the pictures that are available online. The original moon picture shows a figurine with a curved gap, it could also be a triangular gap, staring wide at the feet and narrowing at the waist. There is also some sort of webbing between the legs. Insufficient details exist to try to replicate that. The second picture, attributed to the original art gallery that represented the artist, shows the leg gap as a square cut ending above the waist. This is the picture whose side and front profile were used to trace this figurine. The most recent figurines all show the leg gap as a straight cut ending in a semicircle just below the waist. The attached STL should be printed so the figurine height (head to toe) is 3.5 inches. Some pictures and more information about this art piece can be found in this Slate article: [https://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/12/sculpture_on_the_moon_paul_van_hoeydonck_s_fallen_astronaut.html](https://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/12/sculpture_on_the_moon_paul_van_hoeydonck_s_fallen_astronaut.html)





