Funnel for Elegoo Mecury wash-and-cure

Funnel for Elegoo Mecury wash-and-cure


For washing my resin prints, I use an Elegoo Mercury Plus wash-and-cure station. To save isopropanol it is common practice to through the used one into a glass and put it into day light so the washed resin can cure and fall out (don’t do it in the washing containers, as the fallen-out resin will block the washing stirrer!). After a day or so, you can filter back the isopropanol to the washing bin, to use it for washing further prints. For filtering the isopropanol, you may use coffee filters or used FFP2-masks (Having two schoolboys we still have a lot left). The only thing is, that there is no good solution to hold the filter over the washing container. In the past, just by this reason I used another glass for filtering. But then I designed this funnel, so I can filter the isopropanol directly back into the washing container. This is making the process more direct and easier. The Design of the funnel is also made in such way, that it can be washed itself in the same washing machine und also we stored inside an empty container. Hope someone else has use of this design. Please note: There are different versions of the Mercury-station. I use an older one. Later versions (2.0) have a slightly larger washing container (3500ml). I don’t know whether the filter will work with these bins – might be - please check dimensions before printing. Finally, there is a Mercury XS-Bundle. This design will not work with that version. Maybe someone who has this version makes a remix.



