DXUv2 - Dual Extrusion Upgrade for UMO+/UM2/UM2+
This project adds dual extrusion capability to the Ultimaker Original+ and Ultimaker 2+ printers. This remix (DXUv2) improves upon the original DXU design by heyvye and Special Mod by benleo888 by replacing the plastic printed parts with metal parts reused from the original UM2+ print head. Using the existing metal parts does a better job of keeping the second nozzle in place and makes the print head likely to break. This remix also retains the Ultimaker 2+ printhead stacked housing style which is easier to assemble. I have also added a BLTouch mount to make autoleveling easier. Full details are at https://github.com/ansonl/DXU DXUv2 is supported by Marlin v2 and has profiles available in Cura.