Aerogarden Sprout Breakable Deck Cover

Aerogarden Sprout Breakable Deck Cover


Hello, there! Are you sick of maiming your mature Aerogarden plants as you squeeze their roots through the small holes provided in the original deck? Well, after planting luffa gourds and having to practically cut off their entire root system or permanently cut the Aerogarden's deck in half to get them out of my Aerogarden's deck, I knew a change was needed. Presenting: The Split-in-half Aerogarden Deck! This deck will cover your Aerogarden Sprout model about as well as the one that comes with the device does. But when your plants are mature and have large root complexes, you can split the two sides of this deck in half (they're usually held together by ducktail appendages) to safely remove your plants! The ducktail joints are pretty tight, so it may take some minor elbow grease to fit the two pieces together initially, but after a while, it shouldn't take too much work. Enjoy!



