Clean Dirty Dishwasher Magnet

Clean Dirty Dishwasher Magnet


Take the confusion out of doing the dishes with a Clean + Dirty Dishwasher Magnet. Now you’ll never wonder if the dishes inside the dishwasher are clean or dirty! I am pretty sure I am not the only one who gets asked: “Are the dishes clean or dirty?” In fact, I hear this question several times a week. So in an effort to help answer this question before it gets yelled in my direction from across the house (again), I decided I needed a magnet that I can stick to my dishwasher. I was looking for something simple, small, reversible, and something that wasn’t an eye sore. I also wanted the sign to get my kids to do the dishes without any whining, but 3 out of 4 ain’t bad. 😉 If you happen to have the same needs that I do, take a look at the magnet I made, and be sure to grab the 3MF file so you can make one too! The 3mf file includes dual color or can be printed as a single color. Magnet inserts are for 8mm x 3mm round magnets or feel free to remix to the size you currently have. Enjoy!



