Snowy Tree in an Decorative Icicle.

Snowy Tree in an Decorative Icicle.


It's beginning to print a lot like Christmas - with this custom made decorative Christmas tree tucked inside an icicle furnished with snowflakes and a star in the back. This is a collaboration of a few coworkers stationed at an computer repair shop in Delaware. One of us supplied the printer, one of supplied the model, and one of us supplied the 3D printing "know how" to create this creation. We started with a spiral topiary tree design and had to move on to a more traditional tree design in the end as it didn't print well. We included a picture of some of our print failures towards the end for some documentation. You'll need to print a few supports near the opening on the lip of the icicle to make it so that it can print the large overhang. We also recommend that you use either a brim or a raft to print the ornament as the rings are fairly thin and don't print well without them. (Note: it prints upside down) Once printed, you can hang it from a tree branch using a string tied to the two rings on the upper corners of the ornament. We unfortunately never were able to find a string to give an example of this, but I'm sure you can figure it out! Merry Christmas!






