Gridfinity NUUN Tube Storage

Gridfinity NUUN Tube Storage


A customizable storage and display solution for NUUN tubes. If you checkout/clone the repository and run the script, you can specify options to customize the part. These are the same options available within the .scad file. -o arg The output path/filename. -x arg The number of Gridfinity bases along the x-axis. Default: 1. -y arg The number of Gridfinity bases along the y-axis. Default: 1. -z arg The bin height in number of 7mm increments. Default: 2. -s arg Style of the holes in the base (0: No holes, 1: Magnet holes only, 2: Magnet and screw holes; no printable slit, 3: Magnet and screw holes; with printable slit). Default: 0. -e arg Elevation of the tube into the base. Negative values will sink the tube into the bin, positive values are useless. Default: -10. -r arg Rotation of the tube; recommended rage is 0 - 20. Anything more will risk toppling over on smaller bases. Default: 15. -q arg Quality of the model's curves (32:Low, 64:Medium, 128:High, 256:Ultra). Default: 32 Alternatively, if you use the --all option, every combination from 1x1 0º to 5x5 20º in 5º increments will be created in a separate process (very CPU and memory intensive) using main.scad and all other parameters will be ignored.






