Arrow (toothpick decor)
More on Printables: Arrowhead and fletching for standard-sized round toothpicks; designed as companion prop for specialty "Poison Arrow" cocktail/mocktail from the book: [Düngeonmeister: 75 Epic RPG Cocktail Recipes]( by Jef Aldrich and Jon Taylor. I used [this Silk Tri-color Red/Yellow/Blue filament]( to get the “recently dipped” shimmer, but printing in pink or red might also match a Valentine's Day “Cupid's Arrow” theme. Fidget with it, or try to spear your friend's drink glass from across the table. I recommend a 0.25mm or smaller nozzle size for detail. I started off with a standard 0.4mm, and didn't love the results. The smaller nozzle was key. Print both parts as if the arrow was pointing straight up, as oriented in the 3mf files. The arrowhead does not require supports, but for the fletching, I used a small raft and organic supports. I used [Diamond toothpicks](, but obviously scale to size if needed. Cheers!