Stopmotion Puppet

Stopmotion Puppet


Add these components to your stop-motion armature. The design centres around stop-motion components available from Cinespark and the Rebecca Head scaled to 70%. Refer to Rebecca, a shorter 1/3 scale BJD (Ball Joint Doll) by noiseguy. Printing: For best results, print the components using a resin printer. Use supports whilst avoiding supports inside components. When auto-generating supports, use the “floor” option (or equivalent). I printed the body and limbs in PLA and the head components in resin. Print at 100% scale, however change the length of the limbs to suit your puppet armature. Head print: For the head, I initially stared with PLA with infill, which caused quite a bit of hair rooting needle breakage. I then reprinted in resin, which lessened hair rooting needle breakage. As an alternative, you could try printing in PLA with 100% infill. Inserting the hair: Drill 1.3mm diameter holes into the head cap using one of the included templates for hole spacing and an 0.8mm pivot. For my puppets, I used a hole spacing of about 4.5mm to 5.0mm - resulting in about 100 to 150 holes. After drilling, apply undercoat and then topcoat skin colour. To insert the hair, use 0.8mm diameter hair rooting needles. I found that I needed to tightly pack the hair to help it stay in place. Head modification: I used a rotary tool to flatten the inner raised portion around the neck hole - this makes attachment to the neck a bit easier. Painting: Clean up the prints, sand, prime and paint. Eyes: Retain the eyes inside the head using the eye retainer. Check that the eyes can be rotated. To attach the eye retainer, I used clear UV resin and cured the joint using UV light. Assembly: Assemble the puppet guided by Cinespark instructions. Place a threaded cube inside the torso and hips - attach with an M3 countersunk screw. If required, trim the arm and leg openings. Use a brass hex inside the neck and attach the head using an M3 screw, rubber spacer and washers. I found that the head cap stays in place without fasteners. Finishing: Add hands and clothing to your stop-motion puppet.






