Micro Swiss Cooler v2 for Ender3v2

Micro Swiss Cooler v2 for Ender3v2


Ender 3v2 Micro Swiss cooler v2 for BDsensor probe. IMO, this is a much tidier and more compact cooling solution for the Microswiss hotend unitilizing bigger fans and the contactless BDsensor probe. NOTE: THIS DESIGN IS NOT SUITABLE FOR A BLTouch. For more information on the BDsensor goto https://github.com/markniu/Bed_Distance_sensor There's really good clearance from the printed part to the silicon sock on the heater block and with testing for 30min at 230°C no melting occurred with PLA+. Recommend printing in a higher temp resistant filament like ABS+. Place parts flatest side down on your slicer of choice. The parts duct outlet, I add supports inside the duct where bridging occurs and they came out easily. I generally run the hotend fan at 75% and the part fan at 50-75% for PLA. BOM (please let me know if I have missed anything) 2x 5015mm 24v blower fans - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006193074033.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.3e9538dahVxrbB&mp=1 1/ m6 x8mm BHSC screw - tap upper rh axel hole to suit m6 thread. 3/ m3 x6mm FHSC screws - fixing back plate to the MS bracket. 2/ m4 x20/25mm BHCS screws - fixing the parts fan. 1/ m4 x20/25mm FHCS screw - fixing the HE fan. 1/m4 nut - fixing the HE fan. Nut is on the front. 2/ m4 brass heat set inserts. 1/ m3 x14/16mm SHCS screw - BDsensor mount fixing 2/ m3 washers - for BDsensor mount (optional) 2/ m3 x20/25 BHCS screw - fixing heatsink cooler to MS mount (possibly use existing screws) Asortment of zip ties. Have fun and donate if you think my time was worth it.



