Westinghouse H816L5 Clock Spotify Conversion
Westinghouse H816L5 Clock Spotify Conversion ![Westinghouse H816L5 Clock](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MacGyverr/Westinghouse-Spotify-Clock/main/images/s-l500.jpg) https://github.com/MacGyverr/Westinghouse-Spotify-Clock ## Overview I replicated a Westinghouse H816L5 clock in TinkerCAD to design parts for mounting a Raspberry Pi and a modern clock, transforming it into a Spotify speaker. - TinkerCAD Model: [Westinghouse H816L5 Clock Conversion - WIP](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/fx6p13KGLE0-westinghouse-h816l5-clock-conversion-wip) The project involved some modifications to the original structure, including grinding down the internal lip. It uses Raspotify and Spotipy, controlled by a Python script. It features three rotary encoders for track control, power/play/pause/volume, and playlist navigation. ## Hardware Requirements - [Raspberry Pi 4](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07TD43PDZ) - MIC ULTRA+ (as an amplifier) [Link](https://raspiaudio.com/produit/ultra) - 3 [Rotary Encoders](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T3672VK) - [3 WS2812B LEDs](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CDTEG1O/) - Rotary Encoder #1 to GPIO pins 16, 12, 26 (Clock, Data, Button) - Rotary Encoder #2 to GPIO pins 5, 6, 13 (Clock, Data, Button) - Rotary Encoder #3 to GPIO pins 22, 27, 17 (Clock, Data, Button) - [Radio Setting Clock](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CV4481V/) - New [4" Shielded Speaker](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002ZPSPA) - WS2812B to GPIO pin 10 (Data for LEDs) ## Software - [Raspberry Pi OS](https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/operating-systems/) - [Raspotify](https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/) - [Spotipy](https://spotipy.readthedocs.io/) - [Spotify API](https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard) ## Installation and Setup 1. **Prepare the Raspberry Pi:** ```bash sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt-get -y install git pip espeak ``` 2. **Configure Rotary Encoders in `config.txt`:** ```bash sudo nano /boot/config.txt # Add the following lines dtoverlay=rotary-encoder,pin_a=16,pin_b=12,relative_axis=1 dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=26,keycode=30,label="A" dtoverlay=rotary-encoder,pin_a=5,pin_b=6,relative_axis=1 dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=13,keycode=48,label="B" dtoverlay=rotary-encoder,pin_a=22,pin_b=27,relative_axis=1 dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=17,keycode=46,label="C" ``` After editing, reboot and test with `evtest`. 3. [**Install Audio Hat Drivers for MIC ULTRA+:**](https://forum.raspiaudio.com/t/ultra-installation-guide/21) ```bash git clone https://github.com/RASPIAUDIO/ultra2 cd ultra2 sudo ./install.sh sudo reboot ``` 4. **Install and Configure Raspotify:** - Follow the guide at [Raspotify](https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/) - Edit `/etc/raspotify/conf` as per the provided `conf` file. - Restart the service and set volumes using `alsamixer`. 5. **Install Spotipy and Additional Packages:** ```bash sudo pip install spotipy sudo pip install adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel sudo pip3 install pyttsx3 ``` 6. **Setup Python Script for Control:** ```bash mkdir westinghouse cd westinghouse/ nano monitor_input.py # Paste in the contents of the "monitor_input.py" file chmod +x monitor_input.py ``` 7. [**Configure Spotify API Credentials:**](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33444733/setting-spotify-credentials-using-spotipy) ```bash export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' export SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI='http://localhost:8080/callback' ``` 8. **Setup Python Script as a Service:** ```bash sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/monitor_input.py.service # Paste in the contents of the "monitor_input.py.service" file sudo systemctl enable monitor_input.py sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start monitor_input.py systemctl | grep running ``` 9. **Automatic Reboot Setup:** ```bash sudo crontab -e # Add this line for nightly reboot 0 2 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r now ``` ## Additional Notes - Wiring diagram will be added soon. - TinkerCAD files allow for printing the complete clock and even creating molds for a new lens. (untested) - The system is set to read only "Overlay" mode and reboots nightly for stability. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hyoNcoZj8I