DJI Mini Lightweight Clip-on Navigation Light LED Diffusers

DJI Mini Lightweight Clip-on Navigation Light LED Diffusers

Description I had several aims when I started this but I didn't achieve all of them yet. I've ranked how happy I am so far with how close I was to achieving each : * Lightweight : 9/10 * No need for supports : 9/10 * Easy to print : 5/10 * Does not obstruct folding the drone and not easy to accidentally pull it off : 7 / 10 * Easy clip on / off mini 2 : 3 / 10 * Easy to add / remove LEDs etc. : 4 / 10 * East to prepare electrical parts : 3 / 10 (i do not really know what I am doing with regards to criming / soldering / etc,) The printed plastic parts are approx 1.5 grams in ABS. Mosty of it is intended to be 1 wall thick at .4mm, except parts of the back clip and also some of the messy parts of the shoulder clips (all of it). I learnt blender to make this and redid each part many times so bits were made using used different methods and are of different quality. The LEDS etc.are from flytron. I bought them in the UK. * One red, one green : * white ( I removed the dome etc.) : * 2 of these, they look like updated versions here but AFAIK think tthey should still work. That's a UK shop but they are also available elsewhere. The small pictured battery is just from ebay and lasts one full flight. You can easily get a bigger one that can last 3 flight and still be under 250g on the Mini 2. In Cura it was a bit of a pain to print in a way I liked. In order for combing to work on the 1 wall thick parts of of the diffusers I had to either force it to all concentric infil or use a modification cube thing to make it simply one wall thick of the infill mesh, with no main mesh walls. Also I had to mess with the minimum wall thickness and "print thin walls" setting to get it all at 1 wall (not patches of 2 or 0). Print an extra, mirrored, of each part except the back. The "hand" LED boards were a tiny bit too long in my case. I rand a file over the end of each for 15 movements to make it fit in nicely and snap in to the drone. You have to get the orientation right tho. It can be very fiddly to get right. Perhaps in a future version I will improve this. Also the shoulder clips are a bit flimsy. I may make them thicker in a new version. To put these in you need to open the arms such that you can see the whole bottom hole, then push the bit that fits fully into it quite hard and then clip the top over. They get easily bent though.







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