Drill bit 3D Scan

Drill bit 3D Scan


3mm drill bit, scanned using my DIY 3D Scanner, in "Modified Version of FlexScan3D". such parts like this drill bit are called "textureless or featureless" items, meaning there is not enough texture and random features on the item that the scanner can use to align individual scans. so I used my DIY 2-axis turntable for this scan. The turntable allows for automatic positioning and alignment of scans, so these difficult objects can be easily scanned in some few minutes. You can watch the whole of the scan process in my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj3iarMeJec The uploaded mesh (.stl file) is the raw scan result, I only decimated it to reduce its size for uploading. If you are interested in DIY professional 3D scanners and would like to make your own scanner, join us on Telegram.: https://t.me/DIY_3D_Scanner



