TARDIS Dice Tower (low supports)
Used TARDIS body file from the drawer design, added a block inside on Tinkercad to fill it, then a drop chute for dice. The drop chute is at a steep angle to start then a straight verticle, so it doesn't need any supports inside (something that bothered me about other dice towers, since it'd be a pain to get out). It's also wide to accommodate several dice, and sized for standard-sized dice (using my resin D4 for reference, as it was the widest). I'd spent so much time looking at different files for a dice tower for my mom, since she decided she wanted a TARDIS dice tower, but none were convenient for printing. A friend happened to suggest making the doors open when I mentioned designing my own tower, and I remembered seeing the file this is remixed from, so I took it into Tinkercad and edited it out. The tower is currently printing on my Ender 5 Plus, so this will be updated when the print is complete!