Webcam mount Trust Trino HD for Ender 7

Webcam mount Trust Trino HD for Ender 7


An easy and simple way to mount the Trust Trino HD Webcam on your Ender7. All you need is to detach the original holder of the Webcam (two screws), some glue and one M3x10 screw + bolt. Just insert the bolt into the hole in the plate, glue the plate to the plastic frame and let it harden out. The cam gets screwd on the other part with the original screws. There are two big holes at the top, to reach through with the screwdriver. As the glue is hardened, attach the part with the camera, with the M3x10 screw. I could have designed it as one part, but decided to screw the camera clip extra, cause this way i can detach the cam easy for maintenance.



