22lr sliding lid ammo box

22lr sliding lid ammo box


This box is designed to hold 22lr ammo in the plastic trays used by Lapua and SK. The lid is held closed and indexed to each row of 5 cartridges by a simple compliant mechanism. As you slide the lid off, you'll feel it index at each row of 5. Small compliant tabs on the lid slide in a waxy track on the main body to provide this indexing. Two versions are provided. One will hold a single tray of 50 rounds, and one will hold 2 trays of 50 rounds. The lid is the same for both versions. Th3 f3d file can be used to make modifications to either version if needed. The 100 round version is pictured. Supports are necessary. PLA+ seems to work better than regular PLA due to the compliant mechanism.



