ender 3 LCD screen holder rotating arm

ender 3 LCD screen holder rotating arm


I grew tired of opening my heated enclosure and releasing the hot air out just to reach the sceen to adjust the Z offset or temperatue during the print. So i designed this rotating screen holder for mounting the screen to the side of the enclosure. To move the screen, you need to buy a 10pin ribbon cable extension. I bought this one: https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/4001329637314.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.4.5fde1c24DKOU8Q&gatewayAdapt=glo2pol Print all 3 parts, test how they fit together, I designed it with low tolerance so the joint will probably be loose, add some masking tape to the joints to increase friction and thus avoid the need to add any tightening wing nuts. the arm should ideally stay in place with no wobbling around. if all parts fit together properly, screw them together with some long M4 screws then lock the nuts so they wont come loose - I used superglue so i can always unscrew it with enough force. you can route the 10pin cable through the angled groove on the base part. print however you like, low infill and low wall thickness will do. supports only needed for screen holder joint and 45 degrees joint.



