Flat Tripple Counter
A new 3-digits counter made on the base of my 2-digits counter A lot of changes was made since then Now it's the same force needed to increase and reduce the number It's bigger, but still pretty compact The same as in 2-digits version the counter moves in steps, it ‘locks in’ on a digit and it will not move by itself The biggest con is that it's not clicking like old version (you can hear a sound but not that much) The middle digit is harder to move as you don't use both a forefinger and a thumb but only a forefinger. You can try to use both forefingers or a nail if needed Assemble it upside-down. You have markings on top part and on all wheels - all wheels are different and must go to the right place My Tabletop collection: https://www.thingiverse.com/c47_3d/collections/17109833/things ---