Woodpecker, Tree Ornament Decoy Bird, Decorative Deterrent & Repeller, Easy To Mount-House, Tree
I have a Revopoint Pop3 Digital Scanner, and this is a scan of a woodpecker decoy that I bought to keep them from destroying my house!!! It does actually work, and you will have to paint it. If you want to match the original model, see this link: https://www.walmart.com/ip/woodpecker-tree-ornament-decoy-plastic-metal-decorative-deterrent-repeller-easy-to-mount-house-tree-or-gift-9-tall/5224692440?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101480542 NOTE: I would recommend printing him head side down, with supports for the beak (image attached). A raft might help too... Also, if you want to print it in halves and glue it together, a half model is there also. I think it turned out REALLY great, scanned from a little piece of plastic! As you can see, this is free, but if you feel like paying me back, checkout out company FB page and like my site and my work! Or, if you want something scanned, send me a message here on Thingiverse or on my FB page and I'm happy to help, ESPECALLY for a good cause (charities, educational models, STEM stuff for kids, etc.). Tips work too! www.facebook.com/TimberlakeCreations THANKS AND ENJOY!