VPP (variable propelle pitch)
/!\ UNTESTED ! /!\ Not in plastic, designed for aluminium ! Attemps to create a variable propeller pitch system for drone motor... in fact not really VPP, not adjustable in flight but before it. AIM1 : Reduce the pitch of a folding propeller in order to adapt a larger one without creating more drag (so electric consumption) while it push air on a larger surface which possibly enhance efficiency (so endurance). AIM2 : Adapt the propeller pitch to the equipment of the drone, so it's mass, allowing to fly safely and more efficiently with a wider mass range. Tarot folding hub is +-12g, this VPP hub +-15.53g in aluminium (density 2.7), so 62.1g on the 4 motors of a quadcopter. For motor hub with 12mm diagonal M3 flanged srew's (quite usual). In files plate's for -5° and -2.5°, possible to make from -10 to +10. Should require a very accurate CNC machining (untested). Need to thread the central hole M3x0.5 to srew the setting plate (use loctite!). Designed with freecad0.18.