Yet Another Ridge-like Slim Minimalist Wallet

Yet Another Ridge-like Slim Minimalist Wallet


While I designed this myself, I did so with much inspiration from several models found on the web. Mainly I just wanted something like a Ridge, and the satisfaction of doing it myself. There's not a whole lot to say about assembly, really.... 1) Use 1" elastic band sewed into an "O" shape for the top to bottom strip, and sew another small piece to the side of that for the side strip. 2) Install the elastic and glue the top to the top middle and the bottom to the bottom middle. Some sort of clamp is recommended. I used CA glue and two 1/2 pieces of wood with a C-clamp. 3) The screws are mainly for show. Get some old laptop screws and just heat set them into the plastic with a fine tip soldering iron. Alternatively, you could do this in a legitimate fashion if you drill appropriately sized pilot holes for whatever small screws you wish to use. There are "guide holes" baked into the model that will help.






